

All RTB' acronyms
AR4D Agricultural Research for Development
BMGF Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation  
BTI Boyce Thompson Institute
CARBAP Centre Africain de Recherche sur Bananiers et Plantains
CATA (test) Check all that apply testing
CIAT International Tropical Agricultural Research Centre
CIP the International Potato Center
CIRAD the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development
CNRA Centre National de Recherche Agronomique
CoP Community of Practice
CRP CGIAR (global) Research programme
DMC dry matter content
FAO (UN) Food and Agriculture Organisation
GXE Genotype by Environment
HSI Hyper-spectral imaging
HTPP high-throughput phenotyping protocols
IITA the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
INRAe the French National Institute for Agricultural Research
JAR (test) Just about right testing
JHI the James Hutton Institute
MTPP Medium-throughput phenotyping protocols
NaCRRI National Crops Resources Research Institute
NARL National Agricultural Research Laboratories, Uganda
NARO National Agricultural Research Organisation
NIRS Near Infrared Spectroscopy Spectra
NRI the Natural Resources Institute University of Greenwich
NSPs non-starch polysaccharides NSPs
One CGIAR The restructured CGIAR global research network
PME pectin-methyl-esterase
PMU Programme Management Unit
PVS Participatory varietal selection
QDA Quantitative descriptive analysis
RMSEs root mean square errors
RTB Roots, Tubers and Bananas
SOP Standard Operating Procedures
TRICOT triadic comparison of technologies
UAC/FSA Abomey-Calavi University- Faculty of Agronomic Sciences
VUE variety (V); user (U); and socio-economic environment (E)
YEIB Yam Excellence in Breeding (platform)