
Giving the Starting Shot to Sensory & Textural Characterization of Matooke in Uganda

WP2 - Two different teams of CIRAD experts provided support to NARL-Uganda scientists on texture & sensory analyses on Matooke.

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First, sensory descriptors of matooke were generated by the 13 panellists trained at NARL by Elizabeth Khakasa (NARL). Then, they caracterized 8 varieties of matooke during 2 sessions of sensory profiling. The methodlogy used was shared during the Sensory Panel Training organized a part of RTBfoods WP2 in Uganda, in Sept. 2018.

The texture team focused on standarization of the processing protocol for the preparation of matooke in lab conditions. The team leaded by Moses Matovu (NARL) also developed the test to discriminate matooke varieties through texture measurement. Preliminary results show evidence of interesting correlations between sensory descriptors of texture & rheological parameters measured with rheometer.

Published: 25/11/2019