
Sensory characteristics and consumer segmentation of fried sweetpotato for expanded markets in Africa

The article has been published in a special issue called “Consumers have their say: Assessing preferred quality traits of roots, tubers and cooking bananas, and implications for breeding” in the International Journal of Food Science and Technology, led by the RTBfoods project.

In-depth exploration of preferences revealed that all consumers are not the same—that is the key message emerging this study on Sensory characteristics and consumer segmentation of fried sweetpotato.  Building on the work undertaken by Ssali et al . in this issue, different methods were utilized to build a more complete picture of what characteristics consumers of fried sweetpotato products in Ghana and Nigeria have, and whether there are distinct consumer segments regarding preferences towards fried products made from different sweetpotato varieties. 

The study combined knowledge from collecting data using consumer acceptability studies conducted in markets and a more structured sensory analysis undertaken with a trained panel in a laboratory setting.  The latter evaluated a total of 17 attributes including appearance, texture, flavour and taste, chosen due to their perceived relevance by panelists.

Three different consumer segments were identified. Segment 1 preferred crispy, crunchy, mealy and sweet fried sweetpotato. Segment 2 preferred characteristic yam flavour and dry texture, whereas Segment 3 preferred uniform orange colour appearance, ripe plantain or palm nutty flavour.   Segment 1 had more consumers with lower levels of education compared to Segments 2 & 3.  Consumers above 65 years of age were all located in Segment 2, while those less than 25 years dominated in Segment 3.

All cultivars evaluated in both surveys met the threshold of minimal acceptability across the locations. Orange-fleshed varieties have an attractive color and unique flavour.  Varieties with dry, crispy, mealy texture and moderately sweet taste were  ideal for many West African consumers.  However, in Nigeria,  a low sweet variety was highly preferred over most sweet types. 

These findings will not only inform the breeding strategy but will assist emerging West African fried sweetpotato industries identify target markets.

Published: 07/12/2020