
A RTBfoods PhD student brilliantly defends his thesis in Côte d’Ivoire

On 14 September 2021, Antonin Kouassi successfully defended his thesis on sensory and textural characterization of boiled plantain, in Côte d'Ivoire.

"The results of my research contribute to the objectives of the RTBfoods project, as they contribute to increase knowledge about the elaboration of sensory quality of plantain bananas during processing and to predict consumers' sensory perception. The instrumental and biochemical predictors identified are useful tools for breeders for phenotyping and provide processors/consumers with indicators that guarantee that plantain products do have the desired characteristics".

Antonin Kouassi's thesis, entitled "Boiling plantain in Côte d'Ivoire: contribution to the understanding of diversity, uses and sensory and textural determinants", is part of an overall framework for the development of plantain as a strategic crop for achieving food security, in Côte d'Ivoire. The aim of this work is to assess the impact of boiling on indicators of the sensory quality of plantains. To this end, a sensory analysis of boiled plantain was carried out at the optimal tasting temperature, coupled with instrumental texture measurements and physicochemical analyses. The definition of a descriptive vocabulary specific to boiled plantain led to a mapping of the sensory quality of boiled plantain, taking into account the varietal diversity and the degree of ripening of the fruits. Subsequently, it was possible to identify robust and reliable physicochemical predictors of the sensory quality of boiled plantain.

Composition of the Jury : (from left to rightTia Jean GONNETY, Professor at UNA/Abidjan, (PhD examiner) ; Catherine EBAH DJEDJI, Research Supervisor at CNRA/Abidjan, (PhD examiner) ; Emma ASSEMAND KOFFI, Professor at UNA/Abidjan, (PhD Supervisor); N’guessan Georges AMANI, Professor at UNA/Abidjan, (President of the Jury), and (connected throught visioconference)  Emmanuel ASSIDJO, Professor at INP-HB/Yamoussoukro, (PhD reporter); Olivier GIBERT, Research Supervisor at CIRAD/Montpellier, (guest); Christophe BUGAUD, Research Supervisor at CIRAD/Montpellier, (PhD Supervisor).

Published: 30/09/2021